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How to Draft & Notarize your Document
Get started now and have your document notarized online in just 4 simple steps!

Start Your Free Draft

Fill out our simple online form with your information.
Review and approve the document we generate based on the information you provided.
Connect with a notary public online in minutes who will verify your identity and witness your electronic signature.
Receive your notarized document via email and print it out for your records.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Invitation Letter?

An invitation letter is a formal document that invites someone to visit Canada from overseas. 

This letter increases the likelihood of your loved one’s visitor visa being accepted. It provides information about why the person is visiting, and outlines the relationship between the host and the visitor. It must be written by a Canadian citizen or Canadian permanent resident hosting the visitor. 

Is an invitation letter mandatory for a Canadian visitor visa?

While an invitation letter is not mandatory, it is highly advisable.

An immigration officer accessing your case will thoroughly review your visitor’s application and supporting documents before arriving at a decision. The letter will strengthen your visitor’s Canadian visa application and increase the chances of it being approved. 

Can an invitation letter guarantee the approval of a Canadian visitor visa?

No, an invitation letter alone doesn’t guarantee the approval of a Canadian visitor visa.

The final decision rests with the Canadian immigration authorities, who assess various factors, including the visitor’s eligibility, ties to their home country, financial capacity, and the purpose of the visit. 

Is NotaryPro’s online drafting & notary service legally recognized?

Yes, NotaryPro’s documents are legally recognized.

NotaryPro’s documents have been accepted by many institutions, including provincial, national, and international authorities.

Is NotaryPro’s online drafting & notary service secure?

Yes, NotaryPro uses the latest encryption technology.

Your personal information and documents are subject to the highest level of digital security, and we ensure that your documents are notarized in compliance with all applicable Canadian laws and regulations. See our blog on the security of our online notarization

How much does it cost?

It’s free to create your document, although we do offer online notarization for a small fee.

That’s right! Creating your document comes at no cost to you, but if you would like to notarize it at the same time, we’re happy to help. Please find our detailed prices here. 

Can I issue a letter of invitation as a student?

Yes! If you’re a student attending a Canadian college or university, you can draft an invitation letter to invite your family to visit you.

Your educational institution may have its own process, so it’s best to check with student services to ensure you follow the correct one. 

Other resources for your Invitation Letter