Notary Public Jobs

Join North America’s Fastest-Growing Legal Professional Network

Start earning extra income with a notary public job!

Are you a lawyer or paralegal or licensed notary public in good standing and appointed as a Notary Public? We are looking for self-motivated, detail-oriented and tech-savvy notaries who are ready to provide exemplary customer service while earning additional income part-time as an independent contractor.

Reasons why hundreds of notaries have already joined and provide services to NotaryPro clients:

  • Increase walk-in traffic to your legal practice and grow your book of business

  • Excellent way to pay off law school loans and post-secondary debt
  • Total control over your hours of operation with easy mobile apps

  • Client scheduling, marketing and administration is handled for you (no direct client calls or email inquiries)

  • Gain critical experience reviewing a variety of legal documents and meeting the public
  • Strong brand recognition as part of growing national network

  • One-time set-up fee of $75 CAD (no franchise fees)

  • High loyalty and long tenure with current in-network notaries

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How to Join

Tell us about yourself

If you meet these qualifications, simply fill out our intake form and provide your information. No need to submit a resume / CV.

Who can join?: Any lawyer, paralegal or qualified individual duly appointed as a notary public. We are growing and are open to applicants across Canada and the United States. If you are a notary in any province or state, we will gladly review your credentials to discuss how you can start providing notary services to Notary Pro clients.

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Testimonials from the NotaryPro Team