Guide to Ontario’s Registrant Identification Number (RIN)
What is a RIN?
In Ontario, A RIN (Registrant Identification Number) is a unique 9-digit number assigned to a company vehicle. This number demonstrates that a business has registered its company vehicle(s) with the Ministry of Transportation.
Why Do Businesses Need a RIN Number for Company Vehicles?
To be legally driven on the road, all vehicles in Ontario must have an identification number from the Ministry of Transportation. To register a vehicle, an individual typically provides their driver’s license. However, a business doesn’t have a driver’s license, so they need to provide a registrant identification number instead.
Free RIN Letter Template
How Do I Get a RIN for a Business Vehicle?
You can get a RIN by going to your nearest ServiceOntario location. To get a new RIN or to change the company name or address on an existing RIN, you’ll need to provide the following:
- A Notarized RIN Letter of Authorization written by someone with the authority to bind the organization, such as an owner or director. A notary public or commissioner must verify your identity and business documents, then affix a notarial seal to your RIN letter
- One identification document for the business (e.g., articles of incorporation or amendment, or a letter of good standing).
- Two documents that show proof of business address (e.g., an insurance pink slip or a copy of a utility bill). You can provide physical or digital copies of these documents.
Does my Business Need to be Incorporated to Obtain a RIN?
No, your business does not have to be a corporation to get a RIN number; it can be a partnership or a sole proprietorship.
Do I Need Multiple RINs for Multiple Vehicles?
No, you do not need multiple RIN numbers for multiple vehicles. Once created, a RIN can be reused to register multiple vehicles belonging to a single business.